Wednesday 23 September 2015



This is the word cloud we crated for our group of 4th ESO C. We are....

Hope you like it!

Sunday 27 October 2013


1st ESO


'This is Halloween'. Sing along!

2nd ESO


Group project:

In groups, write a spooky Halloween story.

3rd ESO




After watching the video, answer these questions on your dossier / notebook:

  • What happens in this story?
  • Who are the main characters of the story?
  • Do you believe that this is a real story?
  • Do you believe in ghosts or any other kind of paranormal phenomena? 
  • Do you think the story is scary or not? 
  • How do you think the story will end? Write a possible ending for the story (max. 10 lines). Then check the ending and compare your answer.

4th ESO




After watching the video, answer these questions on your dossier / notebook:

  • What happens in this story?
  • Who are the main characters of the story?
  • Do you believe that this is a real story?
  • Do you believe in ghosts or any other kind of paranormal phenomena? 
  • Do you think the story is scary or not? 
  • How will the ghost story end? Write a possible ending for this story (max. 10 lines).

Wednesday 2 October 2013


We devote the first and second sessions to group dynamics and games in order to know about each other. In one of the activities each of us describe ourselves with the adjective that best defines us to create a class-portrait. These are the results of all the three groups of 4th of ESO.

4th ESO A

We are... 


4th ESO B

We are...


4th ESO C

We are...


Wednesday 19 June 2013

The last winners...

 'The mystery of the present' (story by Fute, Mireia, Alba and Paula, winners from 2n ESO C)

I will tell you a story of many years ago. It is about a mysterious present, created by a nymph to save Christmas. This present had the power to choose a teen that didn't believe in Christmas, to save him/her.

Andrew was an orphan of 17 years old who lost his parents in a car accident. He hasn't got family and he went to an orphanage. He was a teen who hasn't got friends, he was different from all the others; so he was everyday away from his companions.

When Christmas arrived and all the children were decorating excited their rooms and corridors, Andrew was thinking in his room. Suddenly a blue flame appeared, which made him remember when his parents celebrated Christmas, and he started to believe in Christmas. And a present appeared, he touched it and transported him to a fountain. 

In that fountain there was a beautiful nymph, and she explained to Andrew that: a bat of the world of Halloween went into the world of Christmas, bit Santa Claus and changed into a very unpleasant person and from that moment began to make bad presents to the children. His mission was to get a potion to give to Santa and make him change.

The nymph told him that a unicorn went with him because it knew where the potion was. After meeting they began the way, while Derek explained that this potion was in a place called 'the limbo of the death', after a few minutes, reached the border between the world of Halloween and the world of Christmas. Derek made magic and they transformed into invisible people.

Andrew went faster to 'the limbo of the death'. When they arrived, Derek distracted the guards, but they were dead and immediately they could fool them. After, they took the potion and going where Santa Claus was making presents. Derek put the potion into a glass and when he drank it, it made effect and they escaped quickly. 

When they were in the Christmas world, Santa Claus, the nymph, Andrew and Derek began to make beautiful presents to save Christmas.

Christmas finished and Andrew returned to the orphanage. He now believes in Christmas! After two weeks, he began to remember their parents and the great adventure that he has lived, then began to be sick until he died. But he died knowing that he saved Christmas.
 'The future of a new world' (story by Valeria, Joselyn, and Noelia, winners from 2n ESO B)

Once upon a time, hundreds of years ago... In a parallel universe to our world, there was a world where evil ruled. And believe or not, their leader was Santa Claus. He knew all, but it was entirely different. Its main objective was to destroy anyone who got into his plans, so twisted and evil. But he didn't have any weapon, but with his magic power he inherited from his great-great grandfather, that made him special and so he had great respect.
His great enemies were the people from the planet Esmeralda, in which all were humble and good people. 
Recently there have been wars between the kingdom Esmeralda, and the kingdom of Santa Claus (Tatatim), but there was never a decisive winner.
Until the kingdom Tatatim was caught off guard and attacked the Esmeraldians by surprise. In that war, he killed many inhabitants of both worlds and many misfortunes occurred. But having spent several days in war, Esmeraldians came up with a 'fool-proof' plan, where love, friendship and hope were their secret weapons. As they have the most magical feelings that they may feel, they couldn’t understand Tatilians (Tatatim inhabitants). Thanks to this, they won the war and the remaining inhabitants of Tatatim were banished from his world and forced to never come back. For that reason, from Santa's worlds, they chose our universe, our solar system and eventually the Earth.   
Some warnings were changing the world: their personality changed and they couldn't get access to their magic. And the conditions were that: 1. they were not able to tell anybody about the other world, 2. they needed to travel by sleigh, pulled by some kind of domesticated animal and 3. that to reach their destination (the Earth), they had to make two turns to their moon, to look at ours.
Santa would expect there a pumpkin guide to the world of Halloween Town. And as he said, the pumpkin guide transported him to the ground through the GPS system that he installed.
On the trip, the guide will explain to Santa Claus everything that could be found there and advised that if someone discovers it, something unexpected will happen.
What Santa didn't know was that the pumpkin's intention was to crash the ship with Santa Claus. After his death, people reflect on the importance of faith and magic- one of the things that our world didn't have- and create magic and power through people's illusion and happiness. From this day, on December 25th, the spirit of Santa Claus delivers gifts to all the children of the world each year.

Monday 20 May 2013

More stories...

 'The date change' (story by Marta R., Maria B., Michelle, Raquel and Judit S., winners from 2n ESO A)

Once upon a time, in California, one day before Halloween, there was a group of friends who were preparing a surprise party for Stephanie, one of the friends. The girls were to sleep over in Stephanie's house. At night, Stephanie turned the TV on and saw that they were talking about Christmas, but they didn't care and Teddy turned off the TV. 

The next morning, they woke up and went looking for Halloween costumes which had become Christmas costumes. The girls got scared and went to the dining room and saw that all the Halloween decoration had become Christmas decoration. 

Then went to Rosie's home, that was the closest home, and they found Andrew, Rosie's uncle in the basement. Andrew was reading a very old book. 

Kate then asked: -' what's this?' 

'It's a magic book, but it doesn't matter, I know why you came...something evil is happening, you have to go to the North Pole and fix what's happening...' 

Andrew gave a magic watch to Stephanie and told her: 'When you want to come back, press this button'. 

Then a very old door opened and sounded. From there, cold came out and the girls decided to go to see what was it. Rachel was the first to enter. Then all eyes closed and when opened  they were in the North Pole.

They didn't know why they were there; they met some elves, and followed them to the gifts factory of Santa Claus, but they saw Santa Claus was wearing a black suit. Then the girls investigated him. He was really evil with elves and made very bad gifts. They went to Santa's house, where they found a very suspicious truck. 

Taylor went to investigate the truck and touched a button. Suddenly, a door leading to a cave, opened and there were all the characters of Halloween and Christmas locked. The frightened girls didn't know what to do, but Taylor and Teddy thought of a plan. When they were going to come out, Anthony locked them. 
Rosie remembered her uncle going back home and then all the girls held hands, Rosie pressed the button and they disappeared. When they opened their eyes, they were next to Andrew, who was asking them what had happened. They all explained what happened. Andrew became angry but opened the magic door and they entered. They devised a magnificent plan: Andrew would go to stop Anthony and the girls would have to free the imprisoned characters.

When the girls released all the characters and went to find Andrew, they came into a room, in which there was a very rare statue and a man on the ground. Rosie ran to the man on the ground as she recognized that he was his uncle Andrew. 

When he opened his eyes and saw his favourite niece crying, he asked her: 'What's wrong?'
Then, she hugged him.

Rosie asked him what happened and he explained that he casted a spell on Anthony, Santa's evil twin brother, who froze in the middle of the room.

Santa Claus thanked them much what they had done. Also the King of Halloween thanked the girls and casted a spell that sent the girls and Andrew a day before in the past and erased their memory to make them think that it was only a dream.

When they woke up they all felt very strange, but nothing was changed: the decoration or the costumes. And the six friends had the best Halloween of all their lives!